How to book?
We advise booking up to three weeks in advance. The number of programme places are limited.
Select your choice from the Bokrijk group options
Email your preferences to: bokrijksales@limburg.be, phone us on 011 26 53 86 or complete the form at the bottom of this page.
We will provisionally determine the programme and will send you a quote based on availability.
Sign the quote and send it back to us.
We will then specify and confirm your programme.
Changes can be made to the total number of admissions no later than 3 working days prior to your visit. Changes to your food & beverage requirements can be made no later than 5 working days prior to your visit. No changes can be made to your reservation on the day of the visit itself.
Sign in at least half an hour before your programme start time, in front of the Info Centre (close to Car Park 1).
Need help?
Do you need help in putting your day programme together?
Our reservations service is on hand to compile a programme proposal for your group and to make recommendations. Please get in touch with our team at: bokrijksales@limburg.beor on telephone number 011 26 53 86.
We are on hand to help every weekday during office hours.