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Kinderen voor woonhuis Vorselaar

Excursions for schools and youth groups

School excursions 2025

A school trip to Bokrijk means discovering, learning and having fun together. A museum full of experiences, where both toddlers and primary school pupils and even all grades of secondary school indulge in the world of 'the past'. We don't talk about the past, we let your pupils experience the differences and similarities between the past and today. And we even look ahead to what the future will bring.

Meisjes in atelierschuur Wortel atelier brood

Preschool and primary schools

Take a look at our varied preschool and primary school packages on our school page now. For instance, on the interactive workshop route the children work with the tools our craftspeople of yesteryear used. The tiny tots discover a world of wonders on the fairy tale route. Primary school children can get up close to the historical animal breeds at Bokrijk. Led by an enthusiastic guide, the children discover the relationship that has existed between man and beast, today and in the past. But the cherry on the cake for all children will be romping about to their heart’s content as they compete in a Bokrijk rally. Fun and teambuilding guaranteed.

Whatever you choose to do, it will certainly be a unique day! <to the page>

Tieners schoolreis met gids

Secondary schools

We also have a memorable day on the cards for teenagers too. They literally walk their way around a history course at Bokrijk. The differences and similarities with their current lives prompt them to ponder the future. Discover our varied, fully-customised secondary school packages on our school page now. In the museum area dubbed ‘The Sixties’, young people can see how their peers went to the café, shopped and sang along to the Beatles in their bedrooms in that era. Or they can sit at a wheel, as a potter, not a DJ. On the Bokrijk rally young people can have fun as they learn, during a class competition that catapults them 100 years back in time. <to the page>

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